2024 Your Plastic Means Products Roadshow

The Carolinas Plastics Recycling Council (CPRC), a two-state organization supporting the plastics recycling industry of North and South Carolina, is launching the Your Plastic Means Products roadshow in 2024. Highlighting companies that make the coolest things from recycled plastics in the Carolinas, the roadshow will feature a four-part educational series to re-engage the recycled plastics supply chain across the Carolinas and find pathways to increase clean, recycled plastic materials.

To learn more about this one-of-a-kind event, sign up to stay connected for a tour near you!

The Coolest Things Made of Recycled Plastics in the Carolinas!

Spring 2024
Session 1: March 6, 2024

Collaboration Across the Plastic Recycling Value Chain
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Venue: Atlantic Packaging

Summer 2024
Session 2: May 29, 2024
The Global Plastic Value Chain
9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Venue: Milliken & Company

Fall 2024
Session 3: September 25, 2024
The Role of Manufacturing in Advancing Plastic Recycling
9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Venue: Southeastern Container

Winter 2024
Session 4:
More info soon to come


CPRC is a public/private joint initiative to increase plastic container recovery and recycling in North and South Carolina, focusing on outreach, recycling program development and connecting generators to plastics recyclers. CPRC’s key state agency stakeholders include: 

  • SC Department of Commerce Recycling Market Development
  • North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality

Anna DeLage
SC Department of Commerce
Recycling Market Development Manager
Email Anna

Wendy Worley
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Recycling and Materials Management Section Chief
Email Wendy